Some of Our
Standard Finches
Zebra Finches
The Australian Zebra Finch averages about 4 inches from beak to tail, with grey heads and backs, dark wings, and a barred tail with black and white. Both sexes also have brown eyes, black teardrops below the mid–eye, white bellies, and orange legs.
Males have chestnut cheek patches, black and white zebra stripes on the chin and neck and upper chests have a solid black band meeting the belly. The male also has chestnut flanks with many white spots and a red-orange beak.

Society Finches
These beautiful four-inch singing birds are usually chocolate with a two-toned beak. The feathers directly surrounding the beak and throat are nearly black but quickly blend into a deep chocolate-colored brown, while the chest and belly are covered in a scalloped design of off-white and chocolate.
Many color mutations exist in the Society Finch, the most common being a mottled pied, where white feathers are randomly strewn throughout the normal coloring of the bird.

Breeding Pairs Available
Mating pairs do not come standard, however, if you would like some in your aviary, we will be happy to provide them. However, if an interim service visit is required due to complications, extra service charges may apply.
Just a Few of Our
Premium Finches
We include two or more premium finches for each aviary lease.
For an extra charge, additional premium birds may be substituted in any package and are guaranteed so long as Serenity is providing service for your aviary. Ask a representative for more details. Finch packages based on availability.
Shaft-Tail Finch
The beautiful Australian Shaft-Tail Finch has a silver-grey head with a rosy-brown body and a black mask from beaks to eyes. Averaging 5–6 inches long, these are hardy birds that get along well with other finch species.
These waxbills are also very comical to watch while singing. They take turns bobbing their heads while the male sings!
Lady Gouldian
The vibrant Australian Gouldian Finch grows to about 5 inches. Their distinct head colors include black, red, and yellow (or orange).
These colors can be combined with different forms of breast color, including purple, lilac, white, and blue. Normally, the back color is green. Gouldians were named by naturalist John Gould after his wife, which he felt resembled their beauty.

Some of our
Showcase Birds
Our showcase finches do not come with any of our standard packages, however, showcase finches can be substituted in any package for an additional charge.
Showcase finches—once upgraded—are guaranteed, so long as Serenity is providing aviary service. Below are just a few of our showcase finches. Showcase finches may vary due to availability. Ask a representative for details.
Owl Finch
These striking little birds are full of personality and one of the smallest finches in the world at about 4 inches in length. The beautiful Owl Finch is native to many regions throughout Australia, and is a popular pet finch in the US.
They’re acrobats in the air and when not flying, love sitting together on a perch and preening each other. Owl Finches form very strong and lifelong bonds with their mates. They also enjoy interacting with their human friends.
American Singer Canary
The American Singer Canary is an active, cheerful songbird that’s available in a variety of colors and will grow anywhere from 4–8 inches in length. This bird is a result of cross-breeding between the Border Canary and the Roller Canary.
The Border is known for its pleasing appearance, while the Roller is known for its delightful song. Now, the American Singer Canary is the best of both worlds and has become the most popular pet finch in the US.
This bird is relatively easy to care for, so you can sit back, relax and enjoy the antics of these little charmers and their pretty songs as well. Please note, that only one canary per aviary is recommended if you would like them to sing.
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